Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Saturday, 2 January 2010

The Front Cover: III


Now brainstorm possible artists who could appear on your front cover. You will need to think of artists who are going to appeal to your target audience and about whom you have a story to write about (ie. they will be in the news for a particular reason.) Give reasons for your suggestions.

*Avenged Sevenfold:

A comemorative feature would be included about the sudden death of their drummer, Jimmy ''The Rev'' Sullivan at 28 due to as yet unknown causes.

*My Chemical Romance:

Their new album is due to be released in the Spring. The feature would include an interview with the band to promote the album. This would help target my audience specifically since this band is well known through the target group, whether they like the band or not.

*Tokio Hotel:

Their new album has just been released and they are about to begin a European tour, plus they won several awards at prestigious shows in the past year and they continue to get bigger. This could be an ''exclusive'' since they haven't yet done a full magazine feature in the UK yet as their main success until now has been in main-continent Europe however, this is changing rapidly.

*A fictional all girl rock band under the name ''Taboo''

This would hit the objective I had set to use more female input in the magazine as I noticed a gap in the market for this. This would include a full feature and interview with the band who just hit the number one spot in seven countries with their debut album, ''Traumatic'' and the single, ''Darkness = Zombies.''

Main Feature

You will need to pick one of these who will be your main feature {ie. with their picture on the front cover} and also select artists from the rest whose names will appear on the front cover [ie. who have articles written about them inside.} Try to think of future cover stars too. Give reasons for your suggestions.

The main feature of this would be ''Taboo'' who would have a double page spread with an interview. This would be an 'exclusive' since they are an all new act. The article would touch on topics to do with their new fame and they, themselves.

Future cover stars would include people such as Tokio Hotel whom are gaining sucess and getting more well known through lesser mentions in the magazine, HIM whom are planning a new tour after their album gets released as well as Steel Panther who are quickly becoming a huge act. This would cater to my audience and also help to cement my magazine as the magazine who brings you new music first.

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