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Thursday, 11 March 2010

Double Page Spread Analysis - NME

On this double page the first thing that stands out is the large black masthead which catches the audiences attention. The quote is one which has been pulled from the main body of text and is used specifically to gain audience interest. The font here is made to look like cuttings from a newspaper.

The strapline gives more information on the feature whilst also leaving enough out to make the reader want to carry on with the article. This is in a much smaller and less eyecatching font than the title with Lily Allen's name in a bolded red font to catch the audience's eye. With this being in red it highlights the main topic of this article.

The picture of Lily Allen dominates the right hand side of the double page. The way in which she is looking at the camera represents the masthead directly. The masthead gives an air of confidence and the postitioning of the image connotates this, The way this is done is the way she is staring directly into the camera and the hand positioning gives an impression of uncaring.

The text itself is in small black font which is easily distinguishable from the white background. It is laid out in columns on the page which makes the layout less crowded.

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