Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Friday, 9 October 2009

Analysis Part 2.

The masthead of the magazine is in a swirly scripted font which straight away gives the impression that the college is one of a high class and sophistication. The color furthers this with the gold tone making us think of high achievement and sucess.
The main image is a strong one with a relaxed student laid against a pile of books. This promotes another lifestyle of the college. The pile of books shows that hard work will be involved, obviously, but the relaxed posture shows that it's an easy going and fun time too. This promotes an image of the college which entices people to apply there rather than anywhere else.
There is, alike to most institutions, no model credit, but unlike most other publications there is no recognition of her in the coverlines. This makes her anonymous and she could be anyone. This means that you could be in her position. The colors are also representative of this, especially the purple dress the model is wearing which connotates peace and serenity.
The coverline is just ''Class of 2009'' which makes up for the lack of having a dateline on there. This makes me think that the magazine was published at the end of the academic year as a year-book of sorts. The gold is carried over into this in the scheme and the gold makes us believe that the ''Class of 2009'' were high achievers.

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