Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Thursday, 1 October 2009


MASTHEAD: The name of the magazine displayed in the typeface in which it is designed. This is the visual branding of the title and is usually done in a unique typeface to be recognisable.

DATELINE: Month and year of the publication, often with the price. Note that a monthly magazine usually hits the news-stands the month before the cover date.

MAIN IMAGE: These are used in a classic way, the face is big enough to make an impact on the news stand, with the model making full eye-contact.

MODEL CREDIT: It is unusual to have such credit on the cover.

COVERLINES: The example uses a lot of cover lines, which are distributed around the main image without detracting from it too much.

MAIN COVER LINE: This is very large: taking up about a quarter of the cover area- and comes in three layers, each with a different color.

LEFT THIRD: In western countries, the left third of the cover is vital for selling the issue in shops where the magazine is not shown full-frontage. The title must be easily recognisable in a display os dozens of competitors. The start of the masthead is important here.

BAR CODE: Standard barcode used by retailers.

SELLING LINE: Short, sharp description of the title's main marketing point. Or perhaps setting out its editorial philosophy.

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