Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Rolling Stone Cover Analysis

Rolling Stone magazine is liscensed to Wenner Media LLC whom also own editorials such as US Weekly and Men's Journal. The circulation of the magazine is 1.4 million anually and first started in November 1967. The institution is commercial and uses advertisements to aid it in making profits.

The cover has all the conventions of a music magazine, including the image. The masthead is mainly covered by the main image which shows us that it is a well known institution and recognisable in it's style which hasn't seemed to change since it's beginings, making it a trademark of sorts for the magazine.
The main image is a long shot of Lady Gaga which is blended into the pink background. The connotation of pink is femininity. The pose which Lady Gaga is in makes her seem both dominant and untouchable. Paired with the connotations of pink this gives the impression of a strong female figure. However, Lady Gaga's lack of clothes make the cover become dominated by sexual tendancies.

The coverlines are all in white fonts, big enough to be easily read but not big enough to take any attention away from the main image. The main image gives credit to the model: Lady Gaga. The language used within these coverlines is to tease the audience and entice them to buy the magazine and read the article itself. This is achieved by using the names of big celebrities.

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