Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Friday, 18 December 2009

Magazine Basics

You need to come up with a name for your magazine. Ideally it should be short and snappy and should also grab the attention of your target audience. Try to brainstorm more than one title and then pick the best one.

*The Chemistry
*High Voltage
*Chain Reaction

You also need to come up with a rough cover price for your magazine. Who will be able to afford it? What quality of printing/paper will you be aiming for?

*I will be aiming for mid quality printing and paper, or at least as well as I could get for my price. My price will be about £2.50, within the average range for magazines of this genre which publish weekly. This will be so that the young socialites can afford it.

How often will your magazine be released? Why?

*The magazine will be released weekly so that the news will be relevant and up-to-date. This also means part of my advertising can focus upon being the 'music weekly' and being first with the new news.

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