Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Friday, 18 December 2009

Target Audience

You need to define a focus in terms of your target audience- your magazine will not be able to appeal to everyone!

What is your main target audience going to be? What does your target audience want/expect from it's music genre and it's music publications?

*The target audience I am aiming for will be young socialites. They will expect plenty of reviews of gigs and listing for gigs too as these are important things for them. They will also be looking for interviews with well known artists and groups which are engaging enough to maintain their interest. In addition they will also want a low cover price as they will most likley be students who cannot afford more than a couple of pounds for a magazine.

How are you going to appeal to this particular target audience, particularly in terms of initial advertising about your magazine?

*Use a mix of a dark background and brighter text with a reconisable masthead to inkeep with the usual expectations of a magazine splash.
*I will also feature artists names within the coverlines as this will gain audience focus upon my magazine as opposed to another brand.

Remeber that your magazine is going to be profitable, so you need to consider the possibility of selling advertising space to potential advertisers- what will attract them to your audience (i.e. how will you sell your audience?)

* Young socialites will want to see CD adverts, tour advertisements and clothing as these will appeal to them. I would sell this to a potential advertiser with the fact the audiences interests lie with their product of service and they are more likely to spend a majority of their money on these things.

Now try to imagine that you are a potential customer (i.e. a member of your target audience.) What do you want from a music publication of your chosen genre?

*Features about up-to-date and relevant artists and bands.
*Posters of popular bands.
*The latest, relevant and up-to-date news.
*Exclusive stories and news that isn't everywhere else.
*Plenty of gig adverts of popular and genre relevant bands.
* Humourous and/or interesting articles, interviews and features to sustain interest and entertainment throughout.

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