Is there anything I could do to improve my front cover?

Do you think my colour scheme is representative of the magazine as a whole?

What type of magazine do you think High Voltage is?

What age group do you think my magazine is targeting?

Friday, 18 December 2009

Music Genre

Music Genre

What is the chosen music genre, which your magazine will focus upon?

Rock/ alternative

What are the key feautres of this genre (i.e. what are the main cultural and musical elements of this genre that give it its own individual appeal- how does this genre represent itself?) To answer this you can look at images of artists features in magazines/CD covers/ videos/ websites etc.: images of fans features in any magazines etc.: and also other areas such as song lyrics.

* The artist/s featured in the main feauture are always on the cover.
*Advertises other featured artists as coverlines.
*The colour scheme is usually dark backgrounds of some description paired with brighter and bolder text.
*The magazines usually are male dominated.
*The main image usually follows some of the conventions of other magazines imagery. (I.e. having the eyes being the main focus.)

What magazines, currently in publication, cover this genre?

*Rolling stone
*Metal Hammer
*Rock Sound

What features do they have in their magazineand how do these features tie in with their target audience's expectations of representation?

*Album reviews of the music genre. This implies to the audience that the magazine is completely about music itself.
*The main interview is always with an artist from the genre which fits the audience's expectations.
* Gig listings and reviews are always included in every issue. These relate to the target audience's expectations and main perogative as far as leisure time goes.
* Rumours and new news about bands and artists in the genre.
* Givaways usually featureing CD's, merchandise, clothing, tickets or occasionally instruments usually related to a specific band.

What additional features could you put in your magazine to make it stand out and appeal to an audience that is not already being marketed to?

*The use of upcoming, local bands to help the new generation of bands and artists.
*As the rock industry (at least in the well-known areas) seem dominated by male bands and artists. The use of more female input would makle it differential to other magazines of this genre.

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